Published December 5, 2023

Vikram Bethal’s stories continue…

Vikram-Bethal-Stories: -The-Regal-Coronation

One day the minister Pallavarshi(King Suddhavarma’s daughter named Chitrarekha’s second wife of Chandra Varma)  who, after many years of serving the kingdom, found himself losing his ambitions and desiring a life of penance. Feeling the need for spiritual reflection, With this newfound purpose, he went to the forest to spend his remaining days in religious meditation.

 Meanwhile, the kingdom was ruled wisely by King Bhartruhari, who seemed to have everything in life. He had married one hundred and one maidens, He was happy with all of them.

One day, a saint approached King Bhartruhari and presented him with a divine fruit, claiming that it granted the eater a deathless life, forever remaining youthful. The saint, feeling that the king could make better use of the fruit for the benefit of his kingdom’s people, generously bestowed it upon him, offering his blessings and departing on his way.

The king is happy with the fruit, his heart is filled with deep affection for his first wife, Mohanangi. He decided to give the fruit to her, hoping they could share eternal life together. However, Mohanangi, out of love and devotion for her husband, decided not to consume the fruit. Instead, she passed it on to her secret lover. He gave it to his mistress, the servant maid in the royal palace.

The fruit eventually caught the attention of King Bhartruhari, the fruit with the servant maid, and asked her where it came from. She told him everything and the king felt very sad and upset. He didn’t know what to do.

To fix everything, the king decided to set all his wives free and told them to be happy with their loved ones. Then, he ate the magical fruit, hoping to have a long and happy life.

Then King Bhartruhari crowned a new king Vikramarka(King Bhartruhari’s brother) and appointed Bhatti(King Bhartruhari’s brother) as the prime minister to help him. Then, he left the palace and went to the forest to live a simple life.

So, Vikramarka became the new king of the Ujjaini, and King Bhartruhari found peace and happiness in the forest, thinking about life and enjoying the beauty of nature. And they all lived happily ever after.

5:Expanding the Kingdom

Vikram Bethal’s Stories continues…


Bhatti and Vikramarka were extraordinary, with Bhatti’s sharp intellect and Vikramarka’s unmatched bravery. Together, they excelled in every aspect of war strategy and governance. Their bond was unbreakable, and they relied on each other for support and counsel. They could not live without each other.

Bhatti, recognizing Vikramarka’s potential, urged him to expand their kingdom. Following Bhatti’s guidance, Vikramarka assembled a formidable army comprising skilled cavalry, powerful horses, and mighty elephants.

With their newfound strength, Vikramarka fearlessly launched campaigns against neighboring kingdoms, swiftly bringing them under his rule. As a result, Vikramarka ascended to the throne as a mighty emperor, and his authority was unquestionable. None dared to challenge or oppose him openly.

Vikramarka requested Bhatti to search for a suitable location to establish the capital city.

Setting out on his mission, Bhatti boarded a journey across several kingdoms and eventually arrived at Vindhyapura. There, he visited the BhadraKali Temple situated on the banks of the river Gunavathi.

6 The Construction of Capital – Ujjaini Mahakali City

Vikram Bethal’s Stories continues…


Inside the Kali temple, Bhatti discovered an ancient inscription carved into a stone. After his visit, returning to their kingdom, he shared the discovery with Vikramarka and outlined a detailed plan. Together, they set out on a journey back to the sacred Kali temple.

Once there, Vikramarka carefully followed the instructions in the order. He joined the seven branches of a massive tree into one powerful blow of his sword. Surprisingly, he at once jumped reversely on the central platform in the pond, but in a reversed position he reached the temple.

Suddenly, a radiant light in the temple, and Bhadra Kali the goddess appeared before Vikramarka. He praised her, and she was pleased with his sincerity, granting him a remarkable blessing. Bhadra Kali said Vikramarka would rule the kingdom for fifty-one consecutive times without facing any opposition, and he would achieve his desires with ease.

With divine guidance, Vikramarka and Bhatti imagined an extraordinary city surrounding the temple. Putting their plan into action, they speedily constructed the magnificent “Ujjaini Mahakali City” on all four sides of the temple. The city soon became renowned for its high pillars, statues, and good houses.

With the grace of Kali, Vikramarka ascended to the throne and ruled his kingdom with wisdom and devotion. The people prospered under his reign, and all four sections of people, Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, and Sudras, lived cheerfully without any poverty or need. Agriculture and business flourished, thanks to timely rains, making the land wealthy and growing. As the days passed, the kingdom was in prosperity and happiness.

7: King Vikramarka got an invitation from Indra

Vikram Bethal Stories continues…


One day in the heavenly world of DevaLoka, Heaven king Indra. His court was filled with beautiful music and graceful dances. There were four divine dancers named Rambha, Urvasi, Menaka, and Thilothama, and they entertained the courtiers with their amazing performances.

One day, Rambha and Urvasi had a friendly argument about who was the better dancer. They went to Indra and asked him to decide. But Indra couldn’t choose between them and praised both of them. Still, they wanted a clear answer.

Indra asked the courtiers to help him decide, but they were confused too. Just then, meanwhile, Maharshi Narada arrived. Indra sought his advice on settling the matter.

Narada suggested inviting Vikramarka, a famous king from Ujjaini known for his wisdom and fairness, to judge the dance-off. Indra was surprised but agreed.

Indra sent his chariot, Mathali, to bring Vikramarka to DevaLoka. When Mathali reached Vikramarka’s court. Vikramarka looked at Bhatti. Then he was encouraged by his loyal companion Bhatti to accept the invitation.

Vikramarka worshipped Kali and took the blessings of the goddess Kali before joining Mathali on the chariot and going to DevaLoka.

When Vikramarka arrived in DevaLoka, Indra warmly welcomed him and admired his presence. Indra served him a delicious feast with special food and drinks brought by a magical cow Kamadhenu. Vikramarka was given a comfortable place to rest.

Vikramarka enjoyed his time in DevaLoka, experiencing the wonderful hospitality and making new friends. His visit to the heavenly realm promised to be an exciting and memorable journey.

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