Published May 13, 2024

Moral Stories teach us how to be confident about what we can do and solve the problem.

Mother’s love:

 Hirkani’s desperate act to reach her child not only earned her the king’s admiration, but it also led to the construction of a formidable wall across the treacherous cliff face, forever immortalized as “Hirkani Buruj” – a testament to a mother’s love and the king’s wisdom.

Mother Hirkani story


High atop the rolling hills of Maharashtra, like a giant’s playground, stood the legendary Raigad Fort. Its walls, strong and tall like a grown-up’s hug, were built with giant rocks and protected the kingdom inside. But one side of the fort was different. Here, the ground just stopped abruptly, turning into a steep, rocky cliff that tumbled down like a playground slide, only much, much steeper and way more dangerous. No one, not even the bravest soldier, dared to climb down that side.

In a tiny village nestled at the foot of the mountain lived a young woman named Hirkani. Every morning, she’d carry a basket filled with fresh milk and cheese from her happy goats, all the way up a long, winding path to the bustling market inside the fort. There, she’d trade her yummy things for shiny coins and bags of rice and sugar. Hirkani always made sure to be back home well before the big iron gates of the fort closed with a loud “clang!” at sunset. They were very strict about this rule – no one could enter or leave after dark.

One day, something terrible happened. Hirkani had a little one at home, a tiny tot who needed lots of cuddles and care. That morning, the little one just wouldn’t stop crying, and Hirkani spent extra time singing silly songs and making funny faces. By the time she reached the market, the sun was already high in the sky. She hurried as fast as she could, but it was no use. As she finished selling her last bit of cheese, the sky turned orange and purple, and the fort walls started looking dark and scary. Then, with a booming sound that made Hirkani jump, the big iron gates slammed shut.

Hirkani’s heart pounded like a drum. Her little one must be all alone at home, missing her cuddles and bedtime stories. Tears welled up in her eyes, but then she remembered the saying her grandma used to say: “A mother’s love is stronger than mountains.” Looking up at the scary cliff, an idea popped into her head. It wasn’t a safe idea, not at all, but the thought of her little one made her brave.

Taking a deep breath, Hirkani started climbing down the cliff. It was like climbing down a giant, bumpy rock with no stairs. Loose rocks tumbled under her feet, and the ground seemed to tilt every which way. She was scared, her hands were scratched, and her legs felt like jelly, but she kept going, one careful step at a time. The sun slowly hid behind the hills, making everything dark and spooky. But Hirkani didn’t give up. All she could think about was her little one’s happy face.

Finally, after what felt like forever, the first rays of sunshine peeked through the trees, painting the sky in streaks of orange and pink. Hirkani’s legs were shaking, but she had finally reached the bottom of the cliff, safe and sound! She hurried home as fast as she could, and there, curled up in a blanket, was her little one, looking sleepy but relieved. Hirkani scooped them up in a giant hug, promising never to leave them alone for so long again.

But Hirkani knew she had to get back inside the fort to get more food and supplies. Reaching the big gates, she saw the guards staring at her with wide eyes. They couldn’t believe she was back after being trapped inside the fort all night! Hirkani, still a little shaky from her climb, explained how she had climbed down the dangerous cliff. The guards were amazed at her bravery!

News of Hirkani’s daring climb reached the ears of the wise and kind Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, who ruled the fort. He immediately summoned Hirkani to his grand hall. Hirkani was a little nervous, but the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s smile was warm and welcoming.

With a curtsy, Hirkani told the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj the whole story, about her little one and her scary climb down the cliff. To her surprise, the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj didn’t get mad at her for breaking the rules. Instead, he looked at her with respect. He saw in Hirkani’s story not a disobedient subject, but a brave mother who would do anything for her child. 

But the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj also realized something important. The scary cliff was a weak spot in the fort’s defenses. Anyone brave enough could climb down like Hirkani, but what if they weren’t friendly? So, the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj made a grand decision. He ordered the building of a strong, tall wall right along the edge of the cliff! This wall would make the fort even safer for everyone inside.

The wall took a long time to build, but when it was finally done, it was grand and strong. The Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj named it “Hirkani Buruj,” which meant “Hirkani’s Wall,” in honor of the brave mother who showed everyone the power of courage, compassion, and a mother’s unwavering love. 


Hirkani Buruj

The story of Hirkani teaches us two important morals:

A mother’s love is powerful. Hirkani’s bravery in climbing down the dangerous cliff face stemmed from her deep love for her child. It reminds us that a mother’s love can overcome even the greatest fear.

Sometimes, even breaking the rules can lead to something good. While Hirkani disobeyed the rule about leaving the fort after dark, her actions exposed a weakness in the fort’s defenses. This led to the construction of a wall, ultimately making the fort safer for everyone. However, it’s important to remember that following rules is generally important for safety, and we should only break them in very special circumstances.

The story of Hirkani offers valuable lessons for every common housewife:

Strength lies within: Hirkani’s act of courage reminds us that even ordinary women possess extraordinary strength. The everyday challenges of managing a household can be demanding, but Hirkani’s story shows that you have the inner power to face difficulties and overcome obstacles.

Resourcefulness matters: Hirkani’s quick thinking and ability to adapt to a situation is a valuable skills for any homemaker.  Every day brings new situations, and using your creativity and resourcefulness can help you tackle unexpected challenges at home.

Prioritize what matters most: Hirkani’s love for her child drove her to take a risk. This reminds us of the importance of prioritizing what truly matters in life. As a homemaker, you juggle many responsibilities but remember to prioritize the things that bring you and your family joy and well-being.

Speak up and be heard:  While Hirkani technically broke a rule, she didn’t shy away from explaining her actions. It’s okay to speak up for yourself and your family’s needs. If something doesn’t feel right, find a respectful way to voice your concerns.

Small acts can have big consequences:  Hirkani’s seemingly small act of climbing down the cliff had a significant impact on the entire fort. Remember, the things you do at home, however seemingly small, contribute to the overall well-being of your family and create a safe and nurturing environment.

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