Published June 19, 2024

Once upon a time, under the rule of Leo, a lion renowned for his enormous size but small heart, the Emerald Jungle trembled. Tired of the chase, Leo declared a monstrous decree: every day, an animal would be chosen as his tribute, a sacrifice to appease his hunger. Fear gripped the creatures of the jungle. Small and large alike, they lived in constant dread, wondering when their turn would come.

Among them lived Harry, a young hare with fur the color of spring leaves and eyes that sparkled with mischief. He wasn’t the strongest, but his mind was as nimble as his paws. Harry was unable to tolerate the unfairness and the constant fear that shrouded the jungle. He knew he had to act, not just for himself, but for the sake of all the creatures.

One scorching afternoon, the news reached Harry – it was his turn to face Leo. Despair threatened to engulf him, but Harry, fueled by his determination, wouldn’t give in. As he journeyed towards the rocky outcrop where Leo resided, a flash of sunlight glinted off the rim of an old, abandoned well. Harry peered into its depths, a plan slowly taking shape.

Reaching the lion’s den, Harry found Leo sprawled, his golden mane matted, his eyes glinting with hunger. “You’re late, little one,” Leo rumbled, his voice tinged with annoyance. Harry, forcing a tremor in his voice, stammered, “Forgive me, Your Majesty. On my way, another lion, a monstrous beast with claws like daggers, attacked me. I barely escaped with my life, determined to fulfill my duty.”

Leo’s ears perked up. The thought of another lion challenging his dominance sparked a furious fire in his belly. “Another lion?” his roared voice resounded over the valley as he growled. “Where is this pretender?” Harry, his heart pounding, played his part. “He lives close to the ancient well, Your Majesty. Allow me to guide you to him, please.”

Leo, blinded by his pride and anger, followed Harry without question. As they neared the well, Harry’s fear threatened to cripple him, but he pressed on. Reaching the well, Harry stopped, pointing down its dark opening. “There he is, Your Majesty! Hiding in the shadows!”


Leo, consumed by the image of a rival, leaned closer and peered into the depths. His reflection stared back, a fierce lion with a mane of gold. It was then Leo roared, a challenge to his supposed opponent. His reflection roared back, the sound echoing within the well. Mistaking it for the other lion’s response, Leo, consumed by a misplaced sense of dominance, launched himself into the well with a mighty roar.

Harry watched in horror for a moment before relief washed over him. Leo’s fall was his undoing. However, the sight of the tyrant trapped below didn’t fill him with joy, but with a sense of responsibility. He understood then that true strength didn’t lie in brute force or fear but in wisdom and a sense of right and wrong.

With a heavy heart, Harry returned to the jungle. The other animals, cautiously at first, emerged from hiding. Harry, with tears in his eyes, recounted what happened. The story spread like wildfire, and though fear of Leo was replaced with grief, a new spirit bloomed in the jungle.

Harry, with his quick wit, had saved them all, but he knew their fight wasn’t over. He gathered the animals, young and old, strong and weak. Together, they rebuilt the jungle, planting new trees, and creating a haven where fear wouldn’t reign. They learned to rely on each other, their strengths complementing one another. They became a community, united by the spirit of Harry, the small hare who dared to challenge a tyrant, not with strength, but with wit and a vision for a better future.

The tale of Harry, the Emerald Jungle’s unlikely hero, became a legend, a reminder that true strength lies in facing challenges with courage and a heart that seeks a better future for all. It wasn’t just about outsmarting a bully, but about creating a world where everyone could live freely, working together towards a common good.

The moral of Short stories: The smart hare tricked the lion with a clever plan and stayed safe. So, being clever can help us solve problems!

Thirsty Crow’s Clever Solution


The relentless sun beat down on Ramavaram, a village parched by years of drought. The once vibrant fields lay dusty and cracked, a stark reminder of the village’s struggle. Amidst this desolation, a crow named Kaali soared, his throat parched and his wings heavy with fatigue. He had spent the entire day searching for a drop of water, his hope dwindling with each passing moment.

Kaali’s once bright feathers hung limply against his body. He landed on a gnarled mango tree, its leaves brittle from the relentless heat. He noticed a brief glimpse of motion beneath the tree. There was a clay pot, cool to the touch, nestled in the shade. Hope surged through Kaali – could it be?

He swooped down, his heart pounding. A small opening peeked from the top – a lifeline in this arid landscape. But as he dipped his beak into the pot, a wave of despair washed over him. The water level was far too low, just out of reach. Frustration welled up within him. He pecked at the rim and cawed in anger, but the water remained stubbornly out of reach.

Kaali wasn’t one to give up easily. He surveyed his surroundings, his sharp eyes scanning the ground. There, nestled amidst the dust, lay a cluster of smooth pebbles. An idea, brilliant and simple, sparked in his mind. With renewed determination, Kaali began his task.

One by one, he carefully picked up the pebbles, their weight surprisingly comforting in his tired talons. He dropped them, plop by plop, into the pot. The rhythmic sound echoed in the quiet, a testament to his tenacity. With each pebble, the water level rose a fraction. Hope, once a flicker, grew into a steady flame.

The task was tedious, and doubt gnawed at Kaali. He questioned his sanity, his tiny body aching from the exertion. But the thought of the life-giving water spurred him on. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, a triumphant caw ripped through the air. The water level had risen just enough for Kaali to reach it.

He dipped his beak into the cool water, savoring every drop as it revitalized his parched throat. It wasn’t just the water that quenched his thirst – it was the sweet taste of success, the reward for his unwavering determination. As he flew away, his wings felt lighter, his heart brimming with a newfound respect for his own resourcefulness.

Need to understand: Kaali’s story teaches us that even the most insurmountable challenges can be overcome with a combination of perseverance and ingenuity. It’s not brute strength or luck that paves the way to success, but the unwavering will to find solutions, brick by metaphorical brick. We may face obstacles that seem insurmountable, and times when we feel like giving up. But within us lies the well of hope, waiting to be replenished by our hard work and unwavering belief. So, the next time you encounter a seemingly insurmountable problem, remember Kaali, the crow who defied the odds with a simple pebble and a heart full of determination.

Moral of Short stories: Think smart and work hard to find solutions to problems.

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