Published June 20, 2024

One sunny morning, Leo the leopard was feeling very hungry. His tummy rumbled so loud it sounded like a thunderstorm! As he crept through the tall grass, looking for something yummy to eat, he spotted a beautiful deer munching on some delicious leaves.


“Mmm, that deer looks like a tasty treat!” thought Leo. He crouched low to the ground, his spots blending in with the sunlight peeking through the leaves. He planned to sneak up real close and pounce on the deer before it even knew what hit it.

Meanwhile, Daisy, the deer was having a wonderful breakfast. The leaves were extra juicy and the flowers tasted like sweet candy. “This is the ideal place to have lunch every day!” she thought happily. Suddenly, she noticed something strange out of the corner of her eye. A flash of yellow moved in the grass.


Daisy knew exactly what it was – a leopard! Danger! Without wasting a second, she leaped away, her hooves pounding on the ground as fast as her legs could carry her. Leo roared in surprise. He hadn’t expected the deer to see him so quickly! But he wasn’t going to give up his lunch so easily. He stretched out his long legs and chased after Daisy with all his might.


“Faster, faster!”Daisy thought, her heart hammering like a drum. They raced across the wide field, the wind whipping through their fur. Leo was strong and fast, but Daisy knew the land better than anyone. She dodged around big rocks and leaped over small bushes, leaving Leo far behind.

Leo was getting frustrated. The tall grass kept tripping him up, and the twists and turns were making him dizzy. He realized he wasn’t used to running through such a bumpy place. Finally, Daisy reached a thick forest. She darted between the tall trees, disappearing into the cool shade.

Leo skidded to a stop at the edge of the forest. He could see the leafy branches swaying, but he couldn’t go any further. Leopards weren’t good at squeezing through tight spaces! He let out a grumpy growl as he watched Daisy disappear completely.


He was very hungry, but he knew he couldn’t chase her anymore. Daisy inhaled deeply as she felt secure amid the forest. She was so tired, but she was also happy she was safe! Leo should have known better than to underestimate her.

The sun climbed higher in the sky. The chase was over. The savanna, once filled with the sound of running paws, became quiet again. Leo learned an important lesson from what had happened. He learned that even though he was strong, being smart and knowing your surroundings were just as important. 

From that day on, Leo wasn’t so quick to chase every animal he saw. He learned to be patient and wait for a better opportunity to hunt. And Daisy? She continued to enjoy her delicious lunches in the savanna, always keeping an eye out, but always remembering that even the smallest creature can be strong and clever when they need to be!

Moral: Don’t allow yourself to be too confident about what you can do.

2. Harish’s Shy Journey: Learning to Speak


Moral Stories: Don't Shy

Once upon a time, two brothers were living in a village, Bholanath and Ravi. Bholanath, everyone called him Bhola for short, was a kind and gentle soul, as innocent and shy as a baby deer. Ravi, his older brother, lived in a village a day’s walk away. Though they saw each other rarely, the love between them remained strong.

One sunny morning, a messenger arrived at Bhola’s doorstep. “Bhaiyya Ravi (Brother Ravi) invites you for a grand dinner tonight!” he announced, his voice filled with excitement. Bhola’s eyes widened. A whole day with his brother and a delicious meal to top it off? He couldn’t wait!

After a quick breakfast of roti and sabzi, Bhola packed a small bag with a change of clothes and set off on the long journey. The sun climbed higher in the sky, painting the path golden. Bhola hummed a happy tune as he passed babbling brooks and fields of swaying wheat. By midday, he reached Ravi’s village, feeling a pleasant tiredness.

Ravi’s home bustled with activity. Rani, Ravi’s wife, greeted Bhola with a warm smile. “Welcome, Bhola! Come in, come in, you must be tired from the walk.” Ravi rushed out, his face beaming. “Bhola! It’s been too long, my brother!” Their eyes sparkled with delight as they gave one other a tight hug.

After catching up under the shade of a mango tree, Rani offered Bhola a steaming cup of chai. Bhola hesitated, his cheeks turning pink. He longed for a sip, but the words wouldn’t come out. “No, thank you, Rani Bhabhi (Sister-in-law Rani),” he mumbled, looking down at his dusty shoes. Rani, sensing his shyness, smiled kindly. “Don’t be silly, Bhola. After the journey, you must be thirsty.”

The afternoon flew by as the brothers reminisced about childhood adventures and shared stories about their lives. As the sun began its descent, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple, Rani announced dinner. The aroma of spices filled the air, making Bhola’s stomach rumble.

Rani had prepared a feast fit for a king! A plate piled high with Bhola’s favorites – creamy paneer makhani, spicy gobi aloo, and a sweet, melt-in-your-mouth halwa. Bhola’s mouth watered. Each bite was a burst of deliciousness, but a tiny voice in his head whispered, “Wouldn’t another helping be nice?” But Bhola just could not bring herself to ask.

Ravi, noticing Bhola’s empty plate, nudged him playfully. “Didn’t you like the food, Bhola? Why don’t you have some more?” Rani, too, offered a second helping. But Bhola, his face burning red, mumbled, “No, thank you, Bhabhi. It was very delicious.”

With a heavy heart and a half-full stomach, Bhola bid his brother and sister-in-law goodbye. It was a calm, long stroll home. The joy of the day was replaced by a feeling of disappointment. “Why couldn’t I speak up?” he thought. “Ravi and Rani Bhabhi would have been happy to give me more.”

As Bhola reached his doorstep, a wise old woman named Nani, who lived next door, sat on her porch. Seeing the glum look on his face, she called him over. Bhola hesitantly narrated his experience. Nani listened patiently.

“Bhola,” she said gently, “your shyness might seem small, but it can sometimes hold you back. It’s okay to speak up for what you need. Your sister-in-law and brother-in-law adore you and would be delighted to give you anything. Next time, don’t be afraid to ask for that second helping or a cup of chai.”

Bhola pondered Nani’s words. He realized that his shyness had robbed him of a satisfying meal and quality time with his brother. The next time he visited Ravi, he resolved to overcome his shyness and speak his mind.

And so it was. When Rani offered him chai, Bhola took a deep breath and said, “Thank you, Bhabhi. That would be lovely!” He savored every sip, his heart filled with joy. When dinner arrived, he happily accepted Ravi’s offer for a second helping, relishing the delicious food and warm conversation.

Bhola learned a valuable lesson that day. Shyness might seem harmless, but it can hold you back from experiencing life’s full sweetness. Sometimes, all you need is a little courage to speak up and ask for what you want. After all, the people who love you would be happy to share their love and anything else with you, as long as.

The moral of the story is: Don’t let shyness hold you back! Speak up for what you need and want. The people who care about you will be happy to share with you, as long as you ask.

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