Published June 21, 2024

Once upon a time, a kind and hardworking farmer named Rajesh lived in a village nestled between rolling green hills. He had a smile that could brighten the dullest day, and his laugh echoed through the fields like happy chirps of birds. Rajesh loved his farm, with its plump tomatoes hanging low, playful piglets rolling in the mud, and his gentle cow, Moomo, who greeted him with a gentle moo every morning.


One terrible day, a storm unlike any other roared through the village. Rain lashed down like angry tears, the wind howled like a lonely wolf, and a flash flood tore through Rajesh’s farm. Sadly, his crops were washed away, Moomo’s cozy barn was destroyed, and even his little house suffered a leaky roof. Rajesh was heartbroken. He had lost everything!


But Rajesh wasn’t one to give up easily. He wiped away his tears, packed a small bag with essentials like a worn straw hat and some seeds he’d managed to save, and said goodbye to his sadly drooping tomatoes. “I will rebuild, Moomo,” he whispered to his cow, “but for now, I must seek my fortune elsewhere.” 

With Moomo by his side (thanks to a helpful neighbor letting her graze in their field), Before leaving, Rajesh went to his best friend, Gopal’s house, and said, “Friend, can you please look after my lucky ring for as long as I’m not around? Gopal said he would keep it very carefully until he returns. 

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 Rajesh set off on a journey. He walked for days, past babbling brooks and through whispering forests, until he reached a bustling village at the foot of a mountain. There, he found work helping other farmers. He learned new things daily, from planting exotic fruits to milking yaks with fluffy white coats. Rajesh worked hard and made new friends who shared their stories and laughter, and slowly, his pockets grew heavier with well-earned coins.

Years passed, and Rajesh became quite successful with his cheerful spirit and strong work ethic. He saved enough to buy a cart pulled by a friendly donkey named Dapple, who loved munching on juicy carrots. With a heart full of joy and a head full of stories, Rajesh decided it was time to return home.

He was eager to see his old friends, share tales of his adventures (like learning how to yodel while helping a shepherd in the mountains!), and most importantly, visit Moomo (who, thankfully, was still happily munching grass at his neighbor’s farm).

He finally reached his village and rushed towards Gopal’s house. Gopal was Rajesh’s best friend, always there to share a joke or lend a helping hand. When Rajesh saw Gopal, he beamed with a smile as wide as a sunflower. They talked for hours, Rajesh recounting his amazing journey under twinkling stars. Finally, Rajesh remembered something important.


“Gopal, my old friend,” he said, “Before I left, I entrusted you with something very special – my lucky ring.”

Gopal’s eyes darted around for a moment. “Oh, the ring,” he stammered, scratching his head. “Well, you see, Rajesh…”

Suddenly, a lie tumbled out of his mouth. “I kept it safe in my storeroom, but unfortunately, some naughty mice got in and chewed it all up!”

Rajesh’s heart sank. He knew Gopal was lying but knew his friend was in trouble. Gopal’s eyes had a flicker of sadness, a fear that Rajesh couldn’t understand. However, Rajesh decided to push it aside for now. He still had Moomo, a loyal cow, and Dapple, his trusty donkey. He would rebuild his farm, one seed at a time.

A few nights later, a comMoomoon woke everyone up. Thieves had raided the village, stealing valuables from several houses, including Gopal’s! The villagers formed a search party, and although Rajesh felt hurt by Gopal’s lie, he couldn’t ignore someone in need. He joined the search, determined to help his old friend.

As they ventured into the dark forest, Rajesh spotted a figure digging under a tree. Mustering up his courage, he crept closer and saw… it was the thief! Rajesh acted quickly. He tackled the startled robber, tied him up with a strong rope his friend had brought, and called out to the others.

The stolen goods, including Gopal’s lost treasures, were recovered. The villagers cheered, and Gopal, ashamed of his lie and relieved to have his things back, approached Rajesh.


“Rajesh,” he mumbled, his voice heavy with regret, “I… I lied about the ring. I’m so sorry. I was scared, and seeing you successful… well, I was jealous. Here’s the ring, by the way, safe and sound in my pocket all this time. I apologize for being such a bad friend.”

Rajesh looked at Gopal, then at the recovered treasures, and finally at the lucky ring. A smile, as bright as the morning sun, lit up his face. “Of course, I forgive you, Gopal,” he said, patting his friend’

Moral of the Story: Honesty and true friendship are more valuable than any treasure. Lies may harm relationships. Real friends value trust, and helping others brings good things in the end”

2. Lesson in Humility: A Tale of Friendship

and Fair Play

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Sridevi was like a sparkling star in her class. With her bright smile and always-perfect braids, she was definitely the smartest one too. Every time Sridevi would hold her paper up, a large “A+” written over the top in bold red, when Ms Patel handed her an exam. “See?” she’d announce with a proud puff of her chest, “Another A+ for Sridevi!”

The other girls would gather around her, giggling and whispering. They all wanted to be Sridevi’s friend, to bask in the glow of her perfect grades and confident smile. Then, one sunny morning, a new girl named Kavya walked shyly into the classroom. Sridevi frowned. There wasn’t room for another “star” in her class, was there?

Kavya, with her big brown eyes and a friendly smile, was different from Sridevi. She wasn’t loud or boastful. When someone asked her a question, she might answer with a bit of a blush, but her answer was always thoughtful and clear.  Unlike Sridevi, who only cared about perfect scores, Kavya loved all sorts of things – drawing silly pictures, solving tricky math problems, and even memorizing long poems by famous writers.

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One afternoon, Ms. Patel announced a special competition! There would be three challenges: a lightning-fast math quiz, a contest to draw the silliest monster, and a competition to recite a poem by Rabindranath Tagore, a famous Indian writer. Sridevi smirked. This was her chance to shine brighter than ever!

The math quiz started first. Numbers flew across the board, and everyone scrambled to solve them. But to everyone’s surprise, Kavya’s hand shot up first, a smile playing on her lips. All the answers she gave were lightning-fast and right!  Next came the drawing contest. Sridevi whipped out her fancy pencils, ready to create a masterpiece. But Kavya’s monster drawing, with its googly eyes and enormous, floppy ears, made everyone erupt in laughter. Even Ms. Patel had a big smile on her face!

Finally, it was time for the poem recitation. Sridevi felt a little nervous. Reciting poems wasn’t her thing. But as Kavya stood up and began speaking, Sridevi forgot her own nerves. Kavya’s voice, soft yet clear, filled the room with the beautiful words of the poem. It was like watching a flower bloom right there in the classroom!

Ms. Patel beamed, “Kavya, that was incredible! You’ve won the competition!”

The whole class clapped, cheering for Kavya. Even Sridevi felt a tiny clap escape her lips. Maybe winning wasn’t everything. Maybe being kind and having many different talents was even more special.

Later that day, Sridevi walked up to Kavya with a shy smile. “Show me your monster drawing again?” she murmured.

Kavya’s eyes lit up. “Sure!” she exclaimed, pulling out the silly picture. They spent the rest of the afternoon giggling at the monster’s googly eyes and enormous ears. From that day on, Sridevi wasn’t the only star in the classroom anymore. She learned that friendship, kindness, and a love of learning all contributed to a much more fun and colorful school year. In the end, the classroom became a galaxy of shining stars, each with its own unique spark, proving that there was room for everyone to shine brightly!

Moral: Be kind and humble. Everyone has something special to offer, and true friendships are built on understanding and accepting each other’s strengths and differences. It’s not about being the best; it’s about being your best self.

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