Story Sangambanneredit

A little about me



I’m a midlife woman with a hardworking & caring husband and a wonderful daughter, Nivedita.

After my daughter’s birth, I took a break from my software development career to become a full-time homemaker and mom. I loved spending time with my child.

Every night, I must tell a new story to my kid. The story shouldn’t repeat, and for that, I have started purchasing kid’s books and reading for nearly a decade. The fun part is, my home has became a mini library. My reading habit is adopted from my husband. He is a blogger, a volunteer for lakes, water & roads in his free time. His book “Cyber Security: Ethical Hacker’s Penetration Testing Guide” was published from BPB publication. Inspired by him I started this website.

While reading and telling stories, I realized my passion was also in writing these myself. This realization led me to the creation of this website for children, women or a family who wants to bond over stories. Today, I’m thrilled to see my vision become a reality. Working from home as a full-time blogger allows me to share the knowledge I’ve gained and help others achieve similar success.

Someone can listen to stories but when parents tell stories to kids it creates a connection to contextualise the story based in the situation, mode and mental state of the kid to convey the messaging hidden in the story telling without making it boring, but loving!



About Storysangam


StorySangam is a platform for creative people and parents to share stories that meet hearts. It has a large collection of Slokas, fun stories, Short stories, Moral stories, Panchatantra Stories, Mythology stories, Tenali Ramakrishna stories, Important festivals, poems, and fairytales that kids can read and share. The platform is for the people who wants to engage in creative writing, listening to beautiful stories and share with family members! 

The stories are easy to read and have colorful pictures to keep kids interested. There are even special guides to help parents and kids chat about the stories together.

StorySangam picks stories that teach kids important morals like how to be kind, sensitive, stand up against bullies, empathy, beauty, self confidence, helping and believe in themselves. By reading these stories, kids can explore more about themselves and the world around them.

StorySangam will give unlimited memories to bond with your kids! Because here stories meet the heart!❤

We Love Your Support!


StorySangam is started by a mom who wants to give all kids in this world access to great stories, share their creative writing skills, and fall in love with the platform and be away from social media shorts.

It takes a lot of efforts to add new stories and keep the website running.

By becoming the patron for the platform and using it to explore stories,telling your friends about StorySangam and getting them to read, share stories, we can create a better world for our kids! The more people who visit, the more stories we share, the more memories we create. Please help us spread the word!

Thanks for being part of the StorySangam family!

panchatantra stories


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