Published May 28, 2024

Climate Change:

Carbon Neutrality means ensuring we don’t put too much carbon dioxide (a type of gas – bad stuff) into the air. We do this by using less energy that makes carbon dioxide, like using cars less and turning off lights when we’re not using them. Then, if there’s still some carbon dioxide left, we can plant trees or use things like wind or solar power to take it out of the air. This helps keep the air clean and healthy for everyone, like a big nature clean-up!

Moral Story: The Little Tree That Saved the Planet

Once upon a time, in a lush green forest, there stood a little tree named Sprout. Sprout was no ordinary tree; he dreamed of making a big difference in the world. Every day, he would stretch his branches towards the sky, soaking in the warm sunlight, and whispering to the wind about his grand ambitions.


As Sprout swayed gently in the breeze one bright morning, he overheard a group of animals chattering anxiously. “The Great Forest is in trouble,” cried the wise old owl. “The air is getting warmer, the rivers are drying up, and our home is in danger.”


Sprout’s heart sank with worry. He knew he had to do something to help save his beloved forest. So, he decided to embark on a journey to seek wisdom and find a way to make things right.

Sprout traveled through the dense woods and across babbling brooks until he reached the edge of the forest, where he met a kind old wizard. “I seek your guidance,” Sprout said earnestly. “How can I help save the Great Forest?”

The wizard smiled kindly at Sprout and explained the concept of carbon neutrality. “To save your home, you must strive to balance the carbon dioxide in the air,” he said. “Plant more trees, reduce emissions, and embrace renewable energy.”


Sprout returned to the Great Forest with newfound determination and shared his knowledge with his fellow trees and woodland creatures. They all agreed to work together towards a common goal – to become carbon neutral.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. The animals planted trees, used energy wisely, and spread awareness throughout the forest. And Sprout, with his unwavering spirit, became a symbol of hope and resilience.


As the seasons changed, so did the forest. The air grew cleaner, the rivers flowed stronger, and life flourished again. And high above the canopy, Sprout stood tall and proud, knowing he had made a difference.


In the end, it wasn’t just one tree that saved the planet. It was the collective effort of every creature, big and small, working together for a brighter future.

Moral of the story: Even the smallest of us can make a big difference when we work together towards a common goal. By being mindful of our actions and caring for the world around us, we can create a healthier and happier planet for future generations.



verb:- (used about a plant) to begin to grow or to produce new leaves

noun:- a new part that has grown on a plant

wizards :

A wizard is a kind of magician. A wise man who can perform magic spells in a fairy tale or fantasy novel is often described as a wizard.

2. Sculpting Serenity with Wisdom


Ram lived in a vibrant Puri city, nestled along the sparkling coast of Odisha, India. His family, a happy bunch of five – his sister Lakshmi, parents, and grandparents – filled their home with laughter and warmth. Every morning, Ram, a boy with eyes the color of the sea, would wake up with the rising sun. He’d race his sister to the beach, their bare feet leaving giggling prints in the cool sand.

The beach was Ram’s playground. He loved watching the mighty waves crash and roll, their whitecaps like playful dolphins leaping out of the water. But his favorite sight was his grandfather, Papa, gliding through the waves like a graceful fish. Papa, with his sun-kissed skin and a smile as wide as the ocean itself, had been a champion swimmer in his youth.

One day, as Ram, barely four years old, watched Papa carve through the waves, a newfound dream bubbled within him. “Papa,” he trilled, his voice echoing the joy in his heart, “I want to become the world’s greatest swimmer just like you! Will you teach me?”

Papa’s heart swelled with pride. Having his little Ram follow in his footsteps was a dream come true. “Yes, my dear boy!” he boomed, a twinkle in his eye. “Swimming gives you strength and allows you to experience the ocean’s majesty. We’ll begin your lessons tomorrow! But remember, Ram, there will be challenges. Waves may push you back, but you must promise me never to give up.”

Ram, determined as a little lighthouse facing a storm, beamed. “Yes, Papa! I’ll try my hardest,” he promised.

The next day, the sun peeked over the horizon like a curious child, as Ram, even more excited than the rising sun, hurried to the beach. His tiny fist clutched a bright red plastic truck, a reward for good behavior. “Look, Papa!” he exclaimed, his smile as radiant as the morning light. “My new swimming buddy! Do you like it?”

Papa chuckled at Ram’s innocent enthusiasm. “I love it! And you look mighty brave in those blue swimming trunks, little champion.”

He knew, however, that the ocean waves weren’t toys. They could be playful and gentle, but also powerful and unforgiving. For Ram, the first few days were difficult. Every time he dipped his toes in the water, a giant wave would come crashing in, sending him tumbling back to the shore. His small body, still new to the water’s ways, struggled against the ocean’s strength.

Disappointment painted Ram’s face. “Papa, I can’t do it,” he mumbled, kicking at the sand. “The waves are too strong. No matter how hard I try, they just push me back!”

Papa, who had seen this struggle in his own journey as a young swimmer, knew Ram was at a turning point. It was easy to give up when faced with challenges. But greatness wasn’t built on giving up, it was built on resilience.

He knelt before Ram, his gaze warm and understanding. “My dear boy, nothing worthwhile in life comes easy,” he remarked kindly. With every step you take, there will be obstacles, waves that try to push you back. You have to learn to stand tall, fight back even harder, and never give up on your dreams.”

Papa then shared stories of his own struggles – stories of long, tiring practices, of days when his arms felt like lead and the ocean seemed to mock him. But he also shared stories of his victories, of finally conquering the waves and the immense joy it brought.

Ram listened intently, his eyes wide with a newfound determination. Papa’s words, filled with wisdom and experience, washed over him like a refreshing wave. He knew giving up wasn’t an option. He wouldn’t let the waves win.

The next day, Ram returned to the beach, his chin held high and the red plastic truck clutched in his hand. He waded into the water, a little braver this time. As a wave approached, he braced himself, taking a deep breath just like Papa had taught him. The wave crashed, its force undeniable, but Ram held his ground, kicking his legs and pushing back with his tiny arms. He may not have conquered the wave yet, but he didn’t get swept away either.

Day after day, Ram returned to the ocean, his confidence growing with each encounter. He learned to ride the waves, to feel their rhythm, and to use their power to his advantage. He practiced his strokes, mimicking Papa’s movements. He laughed and sputtered with every splash, the taste of salt on his lips a badge of honor.

There were days when the ocean seemed angry, the waves towering over him like giants. But Ram, inspired by Papa’s stories and his own growing determination, never gave up

The moral of the story is: Never give up on your dreams, no matter how strong the waves that try to push you back may be.

Just like Ram learned to swim by facing the ocean’s challenges, we too can overcome any obstacle in life with perseverance and hard work. Remember, even the mightiest waves start as tiny ripples, and with consistent effort, even the smallest person can learn to ride them.

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