Published June 23, 2024


Two lion buddies named Lokoo and Moti resided deep within a lush green forest. Lokoo, with his golden mane, was known for his honesty. He was always honest, even in difficult situations. Moti, on the other hand, had a sleek black mane and a knack for trickery. He sometimes bent the rules to get what he wanted.

One sunny morning, Lokoo’s tummy rumbled. “Moti,” he said, “fancy a hunt together? I’m craving some delicious deer meat.” Moti, always up for an adventure, readily agreed. They set off into the tall grasslands, stalking their prey with focused gazes.

Lokoo, with his keen eyes and patient stalking skills, spotted a plump deer grazing peacefully. In a flash, he pounced! The deer didn’t stand a chance. Meanwhile, Moti, well… Moti got distracted by a juicy bug and chased it in circles for far too long. By the time he rejoined Lokoo, the deer was caught, and Moti only had a tiny, twitchy rabbit to show for his efforts.

A pang of jealousy shot through Moti. “Lokoo,” he said with a sly grin, “before we devour our bounty, wouldn’t a refreshing dip in the cool river be perfect?” Lokoo, always up for a swim, agreed. They left their catch by the riverbank and plunged into the sparkling water.


While they splashed and played, a mischievous monkey swung down from a nearby tree. He spotted the unattended deer and his eyes gleamed with delight. Moti, cunning as ever, had secretly signaled the monkey earlier, promising him a share of the spoils if he took Lokoo’s deer. The monkey, happy to get a free meal, snatched the deer and disappeared into the canopy of leaves.

When Lokoo and Moti emerged from the river, refreshed and ready for a feast, their jaws dropped. The deer had vanished! Moti snarled and turned on Lokoo while pretending to be surprised. “Lokoo! My deer was stolen by you!” Lokoo, wide-eyed and innocent, stammered, “Moti, what are you talking about? We both caught our own food!”

A heated argument ensued. Lokoo, determined to prove his honesty, remembered a wise old banyan tree that stood near the river. “Let’s ask the banyan tree! It saw everything!” he exclaimed.  Moti, secretly thrilled with his plan working, agreed. They walked up to the ancient tree, its branches laden with leaves like a million wise eyes.

Lokoo bowed his head respectfully. “Oh great banyan tree,” he said, “tell us, who stole Moti’s deer?” A deep, quiet voice spoke from the tree. Shockingly, it accused Lokoo! Relief washed over Moti, who feigned outrage. “See, Lokoo! Even the wise tree knows you’re guilty!”


Lokoo, heartbroken and confused, couldn’t believe his ears. But he wasn’t one to give up. He knew he had to prove his innocence somehow. “Wait!” he cried. “I have an idea, although it might sound a little crazy.”

Intrigued, the lion king, who had gathered a crowd to witness the commotion, listened intently. Lokoo, with a determined glint in his eyes, declared, “If the tree says I stole the deer, then the only way to clear my name is to make the truth come out, no matter the cost!” With a deep breath, he grabbed a burning twig from a nearby bush and set the base of the banyan tree alight!

Gasps filled the air as flames began to lick at the ancient tree. Suddenly, a high-pitched shriek pierced the screams. A small, singed monkey scrambled down another tree, squeaking apologies. “It was me! It was me who stole the deer!” He wept, tripping over his feet.


The truth was out! The monkey confessed to working with Moti, lured by the promise of a free meal. Relief flooded Lokoo’s face. He had been honest from the very beginning, and his bravery, even towards the wise tree, ultimately revealed the truth.

Moti caught red-handed in his trickery, hung his head in shame. The lion king banished him from the forest, declaring, “There’s no place for liars and cheaters here!” Justice had prevailed! Lokoo, his innocence proven, was not only given back his deer but also received praise for his honesty and courage.

From that day on, Lokoo became a symbol of truthfulness in the forest. His bravery in facing danger, even to a beloved landmark like the banyan tree, became a legend. The story served as a reminder to everyone: Honesty is always the best policy, even when it’s tough. And sometimes, the most difficult

Moral: Always be honest, and lies will eventually be exposed. Jealousy and deceit can lead to trouble, while honesty and cleverness bring justice in the end.

2. The Unwise Man


Once upon a time, in a village, Suresh was a poor farmer. Unlike the other tall and strong farmers, Suresh wasn’t very tall, and sometimes, his ideas were a little…well, silly.

One sunny morning, Suresh set off to the bustling city market with a basket full of vegetables. On his way, he passed by a towering mango tree with branches reaching out like welcoming arms. The tree was heavy with plump, green mangoes that shimmered in the sunlight.

Suresh stopped in his tracks. “Wow!” he exclaimed, his eyes wide with wonder. “Just look at all those mangoes! They must be the sweetest in the whole world!” He bent down and picked up a fallen mango, brushing off the dirt. Taking a bite, his eyes widened even further. “Oh my goodness! This tastes like sunshine and happiness!” he declared with a mouthful.

A brilliant idea, or so he thought, popped into Suresh’s head. He was thinking to himself, “If I sell all these mangoes in the market, I’ll make enough money to buy everything I’ve ever wanted!” The other farmers who also sold mangoes from their own trees were completely disregarded by him.

But there was a small problem. Suresh wasn’t tall enough to reach the mangoes on the higher branches. Climbing the tree seemed a bit too scary for him. In his haste, a different, very silly plan hatched in his mind. “I know what I’ll do!” He removed his axe from the wagon.

With a mighty swing, Suresh started chopping at the base of the magnificent mango tree. The sound of the axe echoed through the forest, making the birds scatter in fright. It took him a long time, but finally, the tree gave a mighty groan and came crashing down to the ground.

Suresh carefully picked all the mangoes, filling his basket to the brim. He hurried to the market, a wide grin plastered on his face. The sweet fragrance of the mangoes attracted all the customers, and Suresh sold them all in a flash! He counted his coins with glee, enough to buy a new pair of sturdy boots, some delicious sweets, and a whole bunch of other things he had always desired.

On his way back home, feeling proud of himself, a strange feeling washed over Suresh. He looked back at the empty patch of land where the majestic tree once stood. A sense of sadness filled him. “The man thought, “The tree would have produced more and more mangoes every year if I hadn’t chopped it down. I could have enjoyed its shade on hot summer days and shared them with my friends and family.”

Suresh realized his mistake. He may have gotten a lot of money for the mangoes, but he had sacrificed something precious. The tree wouldn’t grow back overnight. It would take many years for a new sapling to mature and bear fruit again.

From that day on, Suresh promised himself to always think twice before acting impulsively. He learned that patience and taking care of nature are far more valuable than a quick gain. He started taking better care of his own small vegetable patch, nurturing every tiny sprout. Slowly but surely, his hard work and patience paid off, bringing him a steady harvest and a deep sense of satisfaction.

Remember, little ones, just like Suresh, sometimes we might be tempted to take the easy way out. However, this situation offers an important lesson to learn. Just like a seed takes time to grow into a strong plant, good things take time and effort. Patience and taking good care of what we have are the keys to true happiness and abundance. So, the next time you see a beautiful tree, remember to appreciate it and let it grow tall and strong! 

The moral of the story is this: There’s no shortcut to long-term happiness. Patience and taking care of what we have are more valuable than a quick gain.

Suresh learned that even though chopping down the tree gave him a quick profit, it meant losing something much more valuable – the chance to enjoy the tree’s fruits for years to come. Just like a seed takes time to grow into a strong plant, good things in life often take time and effort. By being patient and taking good care of what we have, like our own vegetable patch or even our friendships, we can enjoy a much richer and more fulfilling harvest in the long run.

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