Published March 15, 2024

These Mythology stories teach morals and values.

Note: Prithvi is the name of the Earth. Before learning more about it. The story of “King Vena and the Birth of Prithu” must be known to us.

 The sixth Manu ruler of men according to ancient Hindu texts, was married to Sunitha, the daughter of Mrithyu, the god of Death. Their son, Vena, was known for his arrogance and disrespect towards both gods and men. Upon ascending the throne, he neglected the welfare of his subjects, displaying utter disregard for their well-being. Despite attempts by sages like Mareecha to advise him, Vena remained obstinate and refused to heed their counsel.

In his pride, Vena boasted, “I have the power to unleash floods or even engulf the Earth in flames.”

His actions as king were contrary to dharma, and he showed no reverence for Vedic rituals. As a consequence, the Rishis decided to put an end to his reign by slaying him. With no children to succeed him, Vena left the kingdom in a state of famine and despair.

To restore prosperity to the kingdom and humanity at large, the sages took hold of Vena’s arms in anger and began to knead his palms vigorously. Through their divine intervention, two men emerged from his arms as Vena himself perished.

From Vena’s left arm emerged a dark, short man who appeared bewildered. He came to be known as Nisheeda and founded a tribe of hunters bearing the same name.

On the other hand, from Vena’s right arm emerged a fair, fully-armed man named Prithu. Endowed with the ability to care for his subjects and bring joy to their lives, he earned the title of “Raja,” meaning the one who pleases. Prithu went on to become a powerful and benevolent king, ensuring the well-being of his people.

Prithu desired his people to live peaceful and prosperous lives as farmers. However, in those times, the land was rugged, dry, and covered in dense jungles, making cultivation extremely challenging. Frustrated by the harshness of the earth, Prithu took aim with his powerful bow. His strength was such that the sea would halt in its motion at his presence, and mountains would crumble before him. The earth, fearing his wrath, transformed herself into a cow and attempted to flee. Pursuing her, Prithu eventually beseeched for mercy.

“Please spare me. As a cow, I am a female and should not be harmed. Moreover, if you destroy the foundation of their livelihoods, how will people survive?”


The Earth, now in the form of a cow, continued to address King Prithu.

I am aware that you care about your subjects’ well-being as a decent king. You wish to give your people a means of employment. I’ll support you. Please put your fiery arrow away. 

Prithu complied, demonstrating his strength by using the tip of his bow to clear rocks and level the ground, creating fertile plains. He oversaw the cultivation of crops and the establishment of various occupations such as agriculture, trade, and commerce for his subjects. Villages and towns flourished under his leadership.

Prithu also conducted Yajna rituals, but due to a mix-up in offerings to different deities, two mixed-caste tribes emerged: the Suta and the Magadha. These tribes engaged in activities such as horse and elephant training, chariot driving, healing, and wandering minstrelsy.

People started naming the Earth after Prithu. She changed into Prithvi or Prithivi. The world had been made by Brahma. However, food production, dairy farming, animal husbandry, transportation, and other services really began to become regular activities during the reign of King Prithu.

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