Published June 18, 2024

In the bustling town of Calcutta, amidst the vibrant chaos of colonial India, lived a young boy named Naren. With his shaven head and gentle demeanor, he bore an uncanny resemblance to the revered Buddha. Naren, a spirited child with eyes that sparkled with curiosity, harbored a unique passion – the art of meditation.

Unlike most children his age who chased butterflies or played boisterous games, Naren found solace in stillness. He would gather his friends under the shade of a sprawling banyan tree, transforming it into a makeshift meditation hall. With hushed whispers, they would mimic the postures of yogis, their legs crossed and eyes closed, pretending to be immersed in deep meditation.

One sweltering afternoon, the usual game of meditation began. Naren led his friends, guiding them into a state of quietude. He closed his eyes, his mind soaring into a realm of serenity. Minutes melted away, the gentle chirping of birds replaced by an inner peace.


Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the meditating boys, a slithering shadow crept into the room. A cobra, its scales glinting menacingly in the sunlight, emerged from a crack in the wall. With its forked tongue flickering, the deadly serpent surveyed the motionless figures – a chilling tableau for any unsuspecting observer.

The boys, despite their best efforts, couldn’t sustain their focus for long. One by one, their eyelids fluttered open, stealing peeks at each other. They exchanged nervous glances, the stillness of the room amplifying every creak and groan of the old house.

Naren, however, remained oblivious. He had transcended the physical world, his mind a tranquil ocean under a boundless sky. His deep connection with the divine had cocooned him in an impenetrable bubble of calm.

Suddenly, a shrill scream pierced the air. One of the boys, his eyes wide with terror, pointed a trembling finger at the cobra. Panic erupted, shattering the carefully crafted atmosphere. The boys scrambled to their feet, knocking over chairs and scattering in all directions.

All eyes were fixed on the cobra. Its menacing hood flared, its body coiled tightly, its reptilian gaze fixed on the commotion. In that chaotic moment, Naren remained unfazed. His breathing remained steady, his posture unwavering.

Slowly, as if drawn by an unseen force, the cobra began to unwind its coil. Its body slithered towards Naren, its presence sending chills down the spines of the other boys. They watched in horror, fearing the worst.

But something unexpected happened. Instead of striking, the cobra paused right in front of Naren, its head held high, swaying slightly. Naren, still in his meditative state, remained completely unaware of the danger that had passed him by.

After a tense moment, the cobra turned as swiftly as it arrived and slithered back towards the crack in the wall. It disappeared from sight as silently as it had come, leaving behind a bewildered group of boys and a peacefully meditating Naren.

When Naren finally opened his eyes, the room was empty. His friends, shaken by the encounter, had already fled. He observed the overturned chairs and the lingering scent of fear, his brow furrowing in confusion.

One by one, his friends returned, hesitantly recounting the terrifying ordeal. Naren listened patiently, his calm demeanor a stark contrast to their frantic retelling. As the story unfolded, a realization dawned on him.

This close encounter with death wasn’t merely a stroke of luck. It was a testament to the power of focused meditation. Naren’s unwavering focus had created a shield of tranquility, a space so devoid of fear that even a deadly predator found no cause for aggression.

The incident became a turning point for Naren, a glimpse into the immense potential of inner peace. He dedicated himself to mastering the art of meditation, not just as a child’s game, but as a powerful tool for navigating the complexities of life.

The moral of Short stories: We learn from the story the importance of inner peace and the transforming potential of meditation. It’s not about escaping reality, but about cultivating a mental space where we can respond to challenges with clarity and composure. Naren’s experience underscores that calm doesn’t signify weakness, but immense strength –  a strength that can disarm even the most venomous threats. It reminds us that when we are centered within ourselves, we radiate a quiet power that can influence even the most unexpected situations.

The Golden Goat and the Lion

In the heart of a sprawling emerald forest, where sunlight dappled through ancient leaves, lived a magnificent creature – Rocky the golden goat. No ordinary goat, Rocky was the size of a small pony, his muscles rippling with the strength of a bull. Two impressive horns, polished smooth as amber, adorned his head, and his coat shimmered like molten gold under the sun’s gaze. Even the fiercest lions and tigers shied away from this radiant wonder.

One crisp morning, as the forest hummed with the melody of waking birds, Rocky wandered near the edge of a nearby village. Drawn by the scent of fresh vegetables, he peeked into a farmer’s garden, his golden coat catching the farmer’s eye. The poor farmer, having lost many a crop to pesky herbivores, let out a frustrated yell and chased Rocky away with a stout stick. Confused and bleating in protest, Rocky bounded out of the garden, unaware of the danger lurking nearby.

Crouched behind a thicket, a mighty lion named Leo had witnessed the entire scene. Leo, known for his cunning mind as much as his ferocious strength, was puzzled. “A creature that nibbles on leaves,” he scoffed, “stronger than me? Ridiculous!” Leo made the decision to confront this unusual golden goat because he was feeling both wounded pride and disbelief.


As Rocky trotted back into the forest, oblivious to the predator stalking him, Leo emerged from his hiding place. With a mighty roar that shook the leaves, he pounced! Rocky, startled by the sudden attack, had no time to defend himself. Leo, fueled by his misguided perception of Rocky’s weakness, is struck with a deadly blow.

The forest was soon filled with rumors of the encounter. The once-proud golden goat, a symbol of strength and beauty, lay silent. The other animals, saddened by the unexpected turn of events, gathered around. A wise old owl, perched on a gnarled branch, hooted softly, his voice carrying an air of sadness. “Rocky,” he lamented, “was a magnificent creature, but his secret strength, derived from his diet of rare golden ferns, remained unknown. Misjudgment, fueled by appearances, led to this tragedy.”

The animals, humbled by the owl’s words, understood the true cost of Rocky’ hidden story. His strength, a result of a unique diet, had been mistaken for arrogance. They realized the importance of not judging based on appearances or assumptions. True strength comes not just from physical prowess but from a deep understanding of oneself and one’s unique abilities.

From that day on, the forest became a place of greater understanding. The animals, honoring Rocky’s memory, shared their knowledge about each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Lions no longer underestimated herbivores, and even the smallest creatures were valued for their unique contributions. The forest echoed with the sounds of cooperation and respect, a testament to the golden goat who, even in his demise, taught them a valuable lesson.

The moral of Short stories: “Being clever is more important than being strong. Use your brain to solve problems instead of just trusting your strength.”

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