Tenali Ramakrishna stories are like moral stories that teach us ways to deal with life challenges with humor, intelligence, strategy, dharma, and affection.
Tenali Ramakrishna who was a jester in the court of Srikrishnadevaraya was a smart Brahmin. But he was not fanatic. He was honoring all brahmins whether they were smartas or Vyshnavas. He desired always to be blessed by such elderly people. He was inviting them to his residence and showing hospitality. He was donating them liberally.
If there were to be any poor Brahmins Ramakrishna was helping them to perform the marriages in their houses. He was treating Brahmins who were prompt in their rituals as gods. At the same time, he was not liking the hypocrites.
Once the king was sitting on the throne in the Darbar. He put a question to the courtiers.
“Who is the true Brahmin? Who are excellent?” There was confusion in the Brahmins who were sitting before the judge.
How to answer such a question by being themselves Brahmins?
They blinked. Krishnadevaraya observed.
He felt that his question had to be made clear.
He again asked the Brahmins the same question but in a different way.
“Oh, Brahmins! I expect Brahmins to be revered by all people. They should be able to convert the cooked food into ‘prasadam’ that can be offered to god. He must be able to hold sacred water and carry a load. It means he is to be a man of responsibility. You show me persons who are capable of these characters” the king said.
“This is not a big job. We shall bring them by this evening” the scholars said very easily and went to their homes. Ramakrishna didn’t reply. He also went home.
That evening the courtiers brought one Brahmin having good luck, one temple priest, one waterman, and one coolie and told the king that they had brought the person the king desired.
The king laughed. He turned towards Ramakrishna and asked him to tell his opinion.
No one seems to understand what you’ve got in your head, King. One who is clean follows rituals sincerely, and applies them in daily use is a real Brahmin. He will be revered as a god. Such a Brahmin sprinkles the water or ‘tirtha’ on cooked food and converts it into prasadam that can be offered to god. He can carry the burden that is everybody’s sin. A true Brahmin is thus a Brahman.”
A king was satisfied with Ramakrishna’s answer. He was happy. Even the courtiers and the scholars appreciated his words.
Krishnadevaraya said “Ramakrishna, you have such characters. In my opinion, you are the true Brahmin.”
I’m not worthy of such a great honor, sir. What you said shows that you are too generous and have affection for me. We have yet to find out the true Brahmin.”
Ramakrishna replied.
The king donated huge presents for his skillful reply.
2. Big task

One day the king and Tenali Rama were walking on a hill slope. They were discussing so many topics.
The king asked: “Ramakrishna, Do you know how important it is to look after your parents in their old age?”
“There are other works which are still more important.”
“Ramaksrishna, you are always joking about something. Do you think I am saying the wrong thing? Otherwise, parents in old age have to suffer.”
“Sir, you are correct. It is important work I agree. But there is one work that everyone has to do whether they have parents or not”.
“Oh! What is that work?”
“Loosening the bowels every day.
“Ramakrishna, you don’t know how to talk. Don’t show me your face. You have to civic sense.”
Thus said, the king went to the palace swiftly.
Ramakrishna didn’t reply. A few days passed.
Ramakrishna did not see the king. He was upset. So he arranged a dinner party. He invited his friends and relatives. He also sent words through a messenger to the king.
Krishnadevaraya was also eager to see Ramakrishna. So he accepted that he would come to the dinner.
On the dinner day, Ramakrishna prepared sweet dishes. But he had prepared a dish using green leaves which helped people to loosen their bowels and clean the body internally.
The relatives and friends enjoyed the dinner. The king was served all the dishes along with the green leaves dish. But that special dish was served to him only. That was tasty. The king ate it more. He was fully satisfied. He thanked Ramakrishna. He went home.
In the night the king was unable to sleep. He went on loosening his bowels toll morning. He was very much tired.
Then, I only realized why Ramakrishna said that loosening the bowels every day is an important work.
In the morning, he summoned Tenali Rama. Ramakrishna came.
“Ramakrishna, what you said is correct. The important work a man should do is to loosen his bowels every day perfectly to keep the body clean. I realised” he said, “No one’s an intellectual in this kingdom than you.”
Ramakrishna, you are not just a comedian. You are a scholar. You know many things. All these days I have enjoyed your worldly knowledge. You are wise. No one can beat you. From today forever you are the pandit of my court. I have a total of eight famous scholars. Of which you are one. Your seat in my court is higher.”
Ramakrishna thanked the king.
Tenali Ramakrishna was not only a jester. He was a poet and scholar.
Ramakrishna was originally a Shaiva. He had his education from a Vyshnava scholar. Thus he became a Smarta. When he was a Shaiva he wrote an epic called ‘Udbataradhya Charitam’. After he became a Vyshnava he wrote in the name of Ramakrishna an epic ‘Panduranga Mahatmya’. This volume is known to be a famous epic out of the famous five epics in Telugu. Earlier this name was Ramalinga.
Tenali Rama was a helpful man, Whoever was in distress, he used to help them.