Published December 5, 2023

11: Introduction of Bethal | 12: Vikramarka and the Bethal | 13: The pain story of Vasavi

Vikram Bethal’s stories continue…


Once in the beautiful place of KailasaGiri, Parvathi Devi shared her wish with Lord Shiva. He asked her with a smile, “What do you desire, Devi?”

“I want to tell you some amazing stories that nobody has ever heard before,” said Lord Shiva. Parvathi Devi happily agreed. Lord Shiva said, “I can fulfill your wish. Let’s go to the temple where we can sit peacefully. Since it’s nighttime, nobody will disturb us.”

Every night, Lord Shiva would tell stories to Parvathi Devi. One day, the temple priest was busy with his work until late at night and returned home. On his way back, he remembered that he had left behind the prasadam (holy offering) vessel in the temple. He went back to get it but found no one there. However, he could hear some words being spoken. Curious, he peeped through the door of the temple’s inner sanctum. To his surprise, he saw Parvathi Devi sitting on Lord Shiva’s lap, listening to his stories. The priest quietly listened to the stories and went home very late.

When his wife asked him why he was so late, the priest told her it was a secret and urged her not to tell anyone. But his excitement got the better of him, and he couldn’t keep it to himself. He shared all the stories with his wife. women are known for their open and talkative nature. The next day, the priest’s wife couldn’t keep the stories to herself and shared them with all her friends. Soon, the stories spread to everyone.

When Parvathi Devi heard about this, she asked Lord Shiva. With his divine powers, found out the truth. He called the priest and the priest explained to Lord Shiva about what happened. Lord Shiva became angry and cursed the priest to become a ghost. The priest cried and begged for forgiveness. The priest pleaded for redemption, Lord Shiva said, “In the future, a king named Vikramarka will be born. You will get a chance to tell him these stories and ask him a question. If he can’t answer, your curse will be lifted.”

As a result of the curse, the priest turned into a ghost and lived on a peepal tree in the forest, waiting for the day he would meet King Vikramarka.

12: Vikramarka and the Bethal

Vikram Bethal’s stories continue…

As Vikramarka arrived at the Kali temple, he was greeted by a cheerful saint who seemed delighted to see him. Vikramarka respectfully addressed the saint, saying, “Mahatma, I am at your service and ready to fulfill your wishes.”

The saint smiled and replied, “You are indeed noble-hearted. I have a task for you. You go into the forest,” he pointed with his hand in a particular direction, “and go deep inside. There, you will find a peepal tree, and from one of its branches, a corpse hangs upside down. I need you to bring that corpse to me.”

Curiosity Vikramarka inquired, “Why do you seek a corpse, sage?”

The saint explained, “Within that lifeless body resides a ghost named Bethal. By occupying this ghost, I can gain more power, which would enable me to help you and your people even further.”

To carry out the task, Vikramarka set forth into the deep forest. After a long journey, he discovered a big peepal tree, and there, suspended from one of its branches, was the lifeless corpse.

With his sword, Vikramarka cut the rope and gently laid the corpse over his left shoulder, preparing to return to the saint.

Suddenly, the spirit within the corpse, known as Bethal, spoke up, “Who are you, and why are you taking me with you?”

“I am Vikramarka, the king of this land. The saint desires your presence, and so I am taking you to him. Are you indeed the spirit known as Bethal?” Vikramarka inquired cautiously.

“Yes, I am Bethal,” the ghost replied, “but I shall accompany you only on one condition.”

Vikramarka asked, “What condition do you have in mind?”

“I have an interesting story to share with you during our journey. It will help ease your comfort forgetting the long walk. After the tale, I shall present you with a hidden riddle to solve. However,” Bethal warned, “if you speak a word during our journey, I shall return to my resting place. Similarly, if you intentionally avoid my questions at the end of the story, your head will be split into a thousand pieces.”

Vikramarka understood and accepted the challenge bravely. He nodded in agreement, and together moved journey through the heart of the forest.

13: The pain story of Vasavi

Vikram Bethal’s stories continue…


Vikramarka ran after the corpse. He reached the peepal tree. He pulled the corpse on his shoulder. He started out on foot toward the crematorium. Then Bethal began the second tale. “Vikram! Listen to my 2d tale. It will truly reduce your burden. This is the tale of Vasavi. Listen with care.

Once upon a time, in a town, there lived a service provider named Keerthisetti. He had a daughter Vasavi. She changed into captivating together with her beauty. She got here to the wedding age.

A Brahmin younger guy changed into a dwelling at Equal Street. They befell to satisfy many times; they have been interested in every other. Gradually they fall in love. They have been satisfied with their mystery meetings.

Meanwhile, the service provider looked for an appropriate younger dealer for his daughter. The dealer changed into similarly wealthy because of the service provider. Keerthsetti celebrated his daughter`s marriage in a grand manner. Vasavi went to her husband`s residence.

Here is her mother-in-law’s regulation’s residence, Vasavi changed into now no longer satisfied. Her husband is probably wealthy however he couldn’t win her heart. He changed into pleased with his spouse`s beauty.

He changed into harmless and sensitive. He cherished his spouse. He couldn’t apprehend his spouse`s feelings. So, he attempted his pleasant to grow to be near her. But she rejected him.

Vasavi progressively has become weak. She continually thinks about her lover. She couldn’t overlook him. She used to weep at the same time as she changed into alone. She couldn’t undergo her husband`s presence. She changed into sleeplessness. Her fitness changed into broken.

Even the health practitioner couldn’t locate her problem. Nobody should apprehend her ache. One day she noticed her lover roaming the roads madly. Her aches grew extra she stopped taking meals additionally. Her mother-in-regulation requested her to visit her residence for some days and go back to fitness. She felt that Vasavi changed into now no longer familiar with the brand-new ecosystem in her residence. Vasavi`s husband generic her to depart her dislike of her mother`s residence.

That night time Vasavi died. Hearing this information her Brahmin love died. Her husband wept and wept. He died additionally in a week. Thus, Vasavi`s tale got here to result in grief.

Then Bethal requested, “Who is the advanced the various three?”

Vikramarka concept for some time and spoke. “Vasavi truly cherished the Brahmin younger guy. She couldn’t monitor her like anybody. She married actually however suffered herself for her timidness. There was no form of guide for her. She suffered for her mistake. The Brahmin of route cherished her. They were given extra acquaintances. He changed into no marvel in his death. But Vasavi`s husband no longer revels in something together with his spouse. He tied to his marriage bond really. He cherished his spouse really. He sacrificed his life. So, he’s advanced to Vasavi and the Brahmin.”

“Good your solution is apt,” Bethal stated and flew into the sky.

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