Published December 5, 2023

Vikram Bethal’s stories continue…


Indra turned to VikramAdithya and said, “Vikramarka, I’ve heard about your impressive skills and abilities from Narada. On his suggestion, we invited you here to help us solve a peculiar problem.” Vikram Aditya smiled gratefully and replied, “I am honored by your kind words. Please tell me about the problem.”

Indra explained the matter to Vikramarka, who pondered deeply on a solution. He suggested creating flower balls with jasmine flowers and placing poisonous insects inside them.

Vikramarka then handed the flower balls to Rambha and Urvasi, instructing them to dance while holding the balls. Rambha, fearful of dropping them, held the balls tightly. On the other hand, Urvasi danced gracefully while delicately holding the flower balls. However, during Rambha’s dance, the insects inside the balls got disturbed, and bit her hands, causing her to drop the balls.

After the dance completion, Indra asked for Vikramarka’s opinion. Vikramarka shared, “Rambha danced well, but she lost her concentration due to the insects. Urvasi danced better with full focus and concentration, making her the winner.”

Rambha protested, “I was disturbed by the insects; it’s because of their presence.” Vikramarka laughed and pointed out that the same type of flower balls were given to Urvasi, yet she remained undisturbed. Rambha accepted her defeat, and Indra praised Urvasi for her exceptional dancing skills. Everyone in the court agreed with Vikramarka’s judgment.

Indra was impressed by Vikramarka’s expertise and praised him for his remarkable abilities. 

Indra admired Vikramarka’s skills and talent, presenting him with a divine golden throne and blessing him to rule his kingdom for a thousand years while sitting on it. With great honor, Vikram Aditya returned to his kingdom.

Vikram Bethal’s stories continue…

9: Goddess Mahakali blessed Bhatti

Bhatti joyfully welcomed his brother Vikramarka with a warm hug, expressing how much he missed him during his absence. Vikramarka shared his experience of Indra’s hospitality and the gifts he received. But Bhatti felt distressed, wondering why Vikramarka had not taken him along during his stay at Indra Loka. He expressed his desire to be with Vikramarka until his last day and serve him faithfully.

Vikramarka reassured Bhatti that they were inseparable and that he couldn’t live without him. However, Bhatti was determined to find a solution, so he went to take guidance from Bhadra Kali. Bhatti performed penance at the temple, and the goddess appeared before him. He humbly praised her and revealed his cherished wish to serve Vikramarka for a long time. Bhadra Kali granted him a boon to live for 2 thousand years but made it conditional that he must bring Vikramarka’s head.

Agreeing to the condition, Bhatti returned to the kingdom and woke Vikramarka from his sleep, telling him about Kali’s request. Vikramarka, without hesitation, accepted, and Bhatti carried out the task. He presented Vikramarka’s head to Kali, who blessed him with an extended lifespan.

Bhatti, doubting his mind, asked if the boon would come true. Kali assured him that his life would indeed be extended and praised his intelligence. Vikramarka was later revived, and both of them were overjoyed.

Now, Vikramarka was troubled as he would rule for only one thousand years, while Bhatti had a longer life. But Bhatti had a clever plan. He suggested that Vikramarka rule for six months and spend the other six months exploring new places while he looked after the affairs of the kingdom. Following this plan, Vikramarka could enjoy a longer life.

Vikramarka embraced Bhatti tightly and praised him for his wisdom. They returned to their kingdom happily. As Bhojaraja listened to the story, he contemplated Vikramarka’s qualities and wondered if he could match up to such a great king and Kali worshipper.

The next morning, Bhojaraja resumed his daily routine of bathing and worship before attending the court. As he attempted to step onto the second idol, named Madanabhisheka, it continued the story of Vikramarka.

10: The Saint’s Visit to Ujjaini


There was a big forest close to a place called Ujjaini. Inside that forest lived a saint named Satyaseela, who was sly and clever. He had a wish to capture a creature named Bethal. To achieve this, he decided to meditate and pray to the goddess Kali. When he performed his penance sincerely, Kali appeared in front of him, and he shared his desire with her.

The goddess Kalamata said, “Your desire is quite challenging. However, I will bless you if you perform a Yagna (a sacred ritual) and present one thousand heads of the emperors” and she disappeared.”

The saint began his Yagna as instructed by the goddess. However, he used cunning tricks to several emperors into coming to participate in the Yagna Gundam. Thus, he could present nine hundred and ninety-nine heads. Only one remained. That’s the Vikramarkas as per the saint’s list. 

The saint had heard about Vikramarka and Bhatti and he had a plan. He came to Ujjaini and started visiting Vikramarka daily, presenting him with blessed fruits. These fruits were carefully stored by Vikramarka. One day, by accident, a monkey snatched one of the fruits, and the guards chased after it. The fruit fell and broke, revealing a surprising amount of diamonds, everyone was amazed.

Vikramarka then examined the other fruits and discovered that they all contained valuable diamonds. Realizing that the saint needed something other than money, Vikramarka thought about how he could assist him.

The following day, when the saint arrived and offered fruit, Vikramarka opened it to find diamonds once again. He spoke to the saint, saying, “Mahatma! Please tell me what you desire from me. I am here to serve you.

The saint was delighted and said, “Raja! I want to perform the Yagna in the Kali temple located in the nearby forest. Can you please help me complete it? Could you come on the night of Krishna Paksha Chaturdasi?”

Vikramarka happily agreed, not suspecting the saint’s deceitful intentions. On the day of Chaturdasi, Vikramarka went to the Kali temple in the forest as promised.

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